Cold Light Laser Peel
A light cold ablation that gives a pearl finish to the skin. Additionally improves the appearance of the skin and reduces imperfections, enabling the operator to easily adjust the laser to an extremely controlled light peel, without thermal effects, for a no downtime, precise treatment.

Rejuvenation and Glow
Improved Skin Complexion
Stimulates the body's natural rejuvenation process
Minimal downtime
From light touch-ups to deep, age-erasing optical peels
Resurfacing larger areas
Fast and effective treatment
Twin Light TM Fractional Rejuvenation
Deep and lasting rejuvenation of the skin
The skin is ablated with a light full Er: YAG beam, which finishes the treatment and removes superficial imperfections. Using fractional light to rejuvenate the skin can produce an effect that is perfectly graded to your patient's expectations, and offers a degree of control and efficacy that allows for highly precise sculpting of the skin. Treatments can extend from light touch-ups to deep collagen remodeling, ideal for patients who want drastic rejuvenation effects, but are not inclined towards aggressive surgical or chemical alternatives. This treatment is suitable for all skin types and tones, with minimal patient downtime. Skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatments can be performed either in ablative modes with an Er: YAG laser or non-ablatively with an Nd: YAG laser, depending on the particular aesthetic outcome that the patient and practitioner wish to achieve.
This procedure is suitable for both men and women.
Arrange Cold Light Laser Peel with BH Medical Aesthetics
$97.01 Nett (Terms & Conditions Apply)
Cold Light Laser Peel Procedure Information
Duration: 60 minutes
Downtime: low
Step 1
Step 2
Doctor Consultation
Our doctor and aesthetic team will conduct a comprehensive consultation to answer questions, address concerns, and ensure you're fully informed about your treatment.
Step 3
Before Treatment
-Consent forms and Pre-procedural photography
-Pre-procedure Cleanse to ensure a clean and makeup-free face with our gentle cleanser to remove impurities before your treatment
-Cover eyebrow and eyes
Step 4
Doctor will administer laser and Cold air by assistant
Step 5
After Treatment
-Application of moisturiser and sunblock
-Post-procedural photography,a part of the patient's records to monitor the treatment progress.