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Restylane - 面部填充剂


  • Restylane® 通过提拉、填充细纹和皱纹或增加丰盈度来提供形状和轮廓,从而帮助改善您的外观,使外观更年轻

  • Restylane® 提供最广泛的透明质酸 (HA) 填充剂,让您的医生能够制定个性化的治疗计划,以解决衰老迹象或改善您的面部形状和轮廓。

  • Restylane® 在全球拥有超过 4000 万次治疗,20 多年来一直提供安全可靠的结果。

面部提升增强 Restylane® 填充剂可以提升下垂区域,恢复随着时间的推移可能已经软化的轮廓或帮助纠正面部不对称。这创造了更明确的面部形状和更精致的面部轮廓。 填充纹路和皱纹 满足不同的皱纹治疗需求,从抚平鱼尾纹和细纹到纠正深褶皱和皱眉纹。面部丰盈 弥补因老化而失去的丰盈感和饱满度,打造更年轻的容颜。结果在治疗后立即可见。






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  • 透明质酸是皮肤中天然存在的物质,有助于提供丰满度和弹性

  • 随着年龄的增长,透明质酸会减少,导致皮肤体积减少,同时增加皱纹和褶皱出现的机会

  • 随着年龄的增长,皱纹是如何形成的?
    Constant sun exposure and smoking accelerate the decline of skin elasticity and thus, the early appearance of wrinkles.
  • 肉毒杆菌素如何减少皱纹?
    Botox contains a highly purified protein, botulinum toxin A, manufactured under strict and regulated conditions. This protein blocks the nerve cells that cause muscle contractions. The result is a more relaxed and youthful appearance as facial muscles relax and dynamic wrinkles are smoothened.
  • 肉毒杆菌毒素安全吗?
    Yes! When administered by a trained and qualified doctor, Botox is safe. The safety of Botox is well established with 30 years of clinical use, including treatment of cerebral palsy in children.
  • 我还会看起来很自然吗?
    Yes, Botox produces natural results that may last up to 4 months. When injected with the right dose in the right muscles by a highly trained aesthetic doctor, patients are able to express themselves naturally. This has consequently resulted in high patient satisfaction rates.
  • 当我停止治疗或效果消失时,我会看起来更糟吗?
    No, Stopping treatment will only make the treated muscle gradually return to its normal activity. However, for those who have been accustomed to the youthful effects of Botox, this may result in them feeling like they’ve aged.
  • 我会上瘾吗?
    Botox has no addictive component, You may get used to its youthful effects and wish to receive continuous treatments after consulting your doctor. Note that Botox is not interchangeable with other botulinum toxin brands.
  • 经常使用肉毒杆菌毒素会变得不那么有效吗?
    You may have read about “neutralizing antibodies''that may develop with any botulinum toxin products, leading to a loss in efficacy. This is very rare for Botox in cosmetic use. Studies have shown that patients who continue to treat their wrinkles with Botox regularly are shown to look younger over time.
  • 有没有停机时间?
    Botox is administered in 3 to 5 injections, depending on the area. The treatment takes approximately 10 minutes and may feel like a pinch but this can be minimized by using ice or numbing creams. You can return to your daily routine immediately after treatment.
  • 肉毒杆菌毒素治疗有副作用吗?
    Botox is generally well tolerated. As with any medicine Botox injection may cause side effects in some patients such as bruising, redness, pain or swelling around the injection site. Others include headache.
  • 我怎么知道我的医生是否给我注射了最初的肉毒杆菌毒素?
    You may ask to see the vial or clarify with your doctor before the procedure. Botox is a proprietary brand name of allergan no other brand of botulinum toxin A or procedure can be called Botox.
Arrange a Hyaluronic Acid Filler procedure with BH Medical Aesthetics.
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